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What is DNA? Why you may need it Tested?

DNA testing is a powerful tool used for a variety of reasons, from understanding family relationships to ensuring legal compliance. Here’s why you might need DNA testing:


  1. Paternity and Family Relationships: To establish paternity or other family relationships, such as grandparentage, siblingship, or maternity. This is often used in legal cases, custody disputes, or to confirm biological relationships.

  2. Genetic Predisposition Testing: To assess the likelihood of developing certain health conditions or genetic disorders, which can help in proactive health management.

  3. Immigration DNA Testing: To verify family relationships for immigration purposes, ensuring that all required family members meet the necessary criteria.

  4. Forensic DNA Testing: To assist in legal investigations and provide evidence in criminal cases.

  5. Infidelity Testing: To confirm or rule out suspicions of infidelity based on genetic evidence.


Preparing for Your DNA Testing Appointment


At DJD Fingerprinting and Background Service, we provide mobile DNA testing services for your convenience. Our DNA testing techs handle all procedures to ensure accurate and reliable results. Here’s how you can prepare for your appointment:


1. Blood Draw Tests:


  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before your appointment to make veins easier to locate and ensure a smooth blood draw.

  • Avoid Heavy Meals: Refrain from eating a heavy meal right before the test; light snacks are fine.

  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Wear a short-sleeved shirt or one with sleeves that can be rolled up easily to access the veins in your arm.


2. Mouth Swab Tests:


  • Avoid Eating or Drinking: Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum at least 30 minutes before the test to avoid contamination.

  • Brush and Rinse: Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water before the test to ensure a clean sample.


Why Choose Our Mobile DNA Testing Services?


  • Convenience: We come to you, eliminating the need for travel and wait times at a lab.

  • Professional Service: Our trained DNA testing techs handle all aspects of the test, ensuring accuracy and professionalism.

  • Confidentiality: Your results and personal information are kept confidential and secure.

Schedule Your DNA Test Today!


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